Saturday, April 19, 2014

DJ Fokis: Then and now


DJ Fokis: Then and now


Listening to his pitch about the greatness of Local Lux you’d never think that Randy Ellis is also a former Dj. Dj Fokis a name that still garners attention followed by a question that I must answer. What ever happened to him ?

Dj Fokis once a handsome and charming Chicago DJ is now cultivating an empire right here on the same streets where he partied the night away; quite an impressive feat.

Well-spoken, sincere, hardworking, dedicated, young, ambitious and entrepreneur are all words we don’t associate with men like him often enough.

Be that as it may, Randy Ellis embodies all of those characteristics.

Local Lux was created after Randy Ellis along with COO Karleton Thomas realized there was an opportunity to create a service that meets the need of Chicago vendors and their consumers. Local Lux created a solution to address a problem.

With the boom of e-commerce many local businesses are being forced out of business simply because they are ill-equipped to compete with larger retailers. Many don’t have websites that allow them to provide consumers with a fast, affordable way to shop online.

With the creation of Local Lux all of that has changed. Shopping local and supporting businesses in your community is not the right thing to do. It is the smart thing to do and something we as Chicagoans can’t afford to pass up. Now, its fast and easy to find anything and everything you need right here in your own backyard.

Just image how many jobs will be created when we all shop local and help to put money back into our own communities instead of putting money in someone else’s community. Visit Local Lux  and tell them Chiglo (Shy Glow) sent you.

Dj Fokis

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

David Otunga: The Harvard Promise


David Otunga: The Harvard Promise


David Otunga

While we are all soaking up the vitamin D overload of sunshine that is J-hud we must not forget David Otunga. David Otunga, the Harvard graduate, the VH1 reality star, the wrestler and most importantly the Great father. Great father, a title much less likely to make the news headlines as if that isn’t news worthy.

Well, this is Chiglo, were we work to illuminate the positive that is happening with people places and things here in Chicago. David Otunga is a Chicagoan who is also a great father and the blogs has neglected this fact.

Why ? Blogs are evil because their hungry.. Yes, it’s very true.

A man who loves the mother of his child and supports her as he also takes care of their child is a great father. Great father in comparison to a good father. You see good fathers simply take care of their kids, and no special attention is given to the mother of their children. Children need to see their parents loving each other, and they need to know that mom and dad care for each other very, very much, and theirs is a special kind of love.

David Otunga has taken that great father thing a step further and thought about his child’s future as a Harvard grad working for Otunga Law. I so love him for that. He just won me over with this photo. Children deserve parents that put real thought and effort into planning their future. I think that makes a tremendous difference in the self esteem of a child. To know that your parents knew the moment you were born that you would be great enough to attend one of the top schools in the world. Heavy but awesome.

I think this kid is going to be different. No, not the rotten brat celebrity kid we’ve seen a million times. I don’t know, I just have that feeling about LiL David.

David Otunga Jr.

David Otunga Jr.

It’s never too soon to plan a future and life for a child. That’s called having vision/purpose and being a parent. Now, of course this does not guarantee anything but having a plan certainly does improve the possibilities. Judging by this picture I’d say that little David is on board with the whole idea and ready to for his Harvard education. I give him all the credit for this.

Not bad for a guy who once competed for the affection of the annoying “New York”. LOL So, what lesson has David Otunga taught us about judging people ?

You saw him on “I Love New York” and thought he was a loser I know you did because I did too. As soon as I found out that he was Harvard Grad I knew he was on to something. Maybe meeting and marrying Jennifer Hudson wasn’t exactly in the plans but surely success and fame were.

He has success, and he has fame even though he took a path some wouldn’t have he ultimately achieved his goals. In the end, that’s matters most.

Brilliant, strategic and a great father. What more could a girl ask for ?


J-hud better get a prenup. The force is strong with this one.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Glo: Kanye West Dondas House


Glo: Kanye West Dondas House

Dr. Donda West & Kanye West

Dr. Donda West & Kanye West

Donda’s House Inc.

ARK of St. Sabina

7800 S. Racine

Chicago, IL 60620

Donda’s House which operates in the Auburn Gresham neighbor hood her in Chicago on the south side is asking for your input moving into the new year.

As you know this organization is named in honor of the late Dr. Donda West, Kanye’s Mother and a beloved educational instructor of Chicago State University.

This organization is making a difference here on the south side of Chicago in the lives of those who need it most. Let’s support them so they can continue to help a community in need.

Currently, they have a program called Got Bars which

is a  music/lyric writing and performance program. Participants are selected through an application and audition process. The curriculum is based on the teaching philosophy and pedagogy of Dr. Donda West with a focus on collaborative and experiential learning. The program is 12 weeks and participants meet for classes three times per week. The classes cover:

  1. Creative Writing

  2. Health & Wellness

  3. Studio Recording

Participants are 15 – 24 years old with varying degrees of music writing, performing and recording experiences


From their newsletter,

We need your creativity, your ideas and your expertise as we embark on our first full year of service. If you are looking for a way to get involved, we encourage you to join one of our committees. If you are interested in volunteering, please e-mail with a copy of your resume so that we know a bit about your background.

Fundraising Committee

Saturday, January 11, 2014 from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Location: The ARK of St. Sabina – 7800 S. Racine – Teen Lounge

Our fundraising committee will help us to reach our budgetary goals by helping us plan fundraising events, apply for grants and cultivate new donors. We are committed to offering free programs to our participants and low-cost programs to the public.

Programming Committee

Saturday, January 18, 2014 from 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Location: The ARK of St. Sabina – 7800 S. Racine – Teen Lounge

Our inaugural program “Got Bars” focuses on music writing and performance. We would like to add additional artist mediums including music production, theater, dance, photography, visual art, etc. Our programming committee will also help execute our short term programs including Open Mics and Behind the Boards/Label/Mic.

Marketing Committee

Saturday, January 25, 2014 from 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Location: The ARK of St. Sabina – 7800 S. Racine – Teen Lounge

Image is everything in the arts community. Our marketing committee will be responsible for writing press releases, creating social media campaigns, and documenting our events via photos and video. Our new website will be launching soon, and we also have Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts. Our marketing committee will have access to all of those tools. We welcome graphic designers, photographers and social media experts.


Friday, January 3, 2014

Rap: Twista-Ferocious


Rap: Twista-Ferocious

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Rap: Qaw’mane Young QC Wilson


Rap: Qaw’mane Young QC Wilson

He was Nick Story on the television show The Reawakening, Young QC on Youtube, his mother Yolanda Holmes named him Qaw’mane but his family called him Q. He is the only child of Yolanda Holmes and a popular entertainer here in Chicago. He graduated from Manley Highschool on the west side of Chicago with the name Qaw’mane Holmes in 2008. He was known for acting, dancing, rapping and living the life. It appeared that everything was going right for him and his career. He had fans, friends and popularity.The television show the Reawakening which is popular among pre-teens and teens here in Chicago had plans to release a movie soon featuring Qaw’mane. The youtube video promoting the movie release has been taken down.


While the internet is all buzzing about how wonderful Yolanda Holmes was and how much she loved her son and her community very little has been said about his father.

Supposedly, his father is incarcerated in Statesville penitentiary although his father is also supposed to be Ghainian. I think it’s highly unlikely that a Ghanian came to America and got incarcerated. Usually they flee the country before getting sent to prison. It is said that his name originated in Ghana which may be why some believe his father is Ghanian. Either way, I’m certainly curious about the relationship he had or did not have with his father.

If you are annoyed by these posting about him and you have joined in the masses who have all but stoned this young man to death please remember he’s innocent until proven guilty. We all know how corrupt our political and judicial systems are here in America. We know that these systems are only as good as the people who create and manage them.

I think it’s best to ask the right people the right questions and not assume that all of what the media has portrayed is accurate. What we know about this young man is that he aspired to be more than he was. He had dreams, he had hopes, and he did pursue them. He was also “privileged” his mother drove a Lexus truck and a BMW while he drove a Mustang. His love for money and material things was instilled in him by his up bringing and environment. The desire to be in the limelight, the desire to be rich and famous is something that many of us can relate to. Which leads me to the question where did he go wrong ? What could possibly push him over the edge to commit such a heinous crime against his mother, himself and his community. This crime isn’ t  just about money and material things. That’s too easy, too simple, and people are just not that simple. Something more has happened here, and it didn’t happen over night.

Yolanda Holmes plea for help with her son
Yolanda Holmes plea for help with her son

Yolanda Holmes did mention her son Qaw’mane whom she referred to as her “offspring” was out of control. What she did about this is unknown at this point but I do consider this a plea for help.  A plea that should have been answered by loving family, friends, and even the community if needed.

It takes a village. Did you respond to the plea for help ?

This post was made on October 9, 2011 one year before she was murdered. Something was troubling this relationship between mother and son. I’m sure that if she posted on her facebook page then she also talked about it to friends, family and loved ones. Women usually talk a lot about their children.

Then there is the boyfriend of Yolanda Holmes who was pistol whipped during the attack. How did the attacker get into the apartment and who is this “boyfriend” ? If Yolanda Holmes was attacked by an intruder than how is it that her boyfriend was only pistol whipped, but she a petite woman of only five feet tall was shot and stabbed ? Why wasn’t her boyfriend injured as he tried to protect her ? According to the article the boyfriend was in the bedroom asleep and was awakened by the sound of a gun going off. He was no awakened by the front door opening, or the sound of a struggle or the sound of her screaming for help. No, he was awakened after all of that had already taken place and by then there was little he could do to save her. Well, I don’t buy it. Who is this boyfriend and where is he ? What is his connection to the judge and C.P.D ?

This is a case to be taken seriously because this young man and his mother are both influential members of our community, and there are many people who are affected by the outcome of all of this. There are still young impressionable fans who stand behind and support Qaw’ mane and lets not forget he has children. One paternity case filed on April 5, 2013 by Kierra Johnson is still pending.

What’s evident in the video below is that Qaw’ mane was swept up in the entertainment life. He wanted to be big time, so he imitated those before him who are idolized by our youth. He took pictures with expensive cars, he threw around some money, and he partied.  That alone certainly does not make him guilty nor does calling his mother.

However, there are other accusations that he allowed the hired hitman to drive his cars. Is this true and if so where is the proof ?

Did the accused allow his mothers killer to driver her cars ?
Did the accused allow his mothers killer to driver her cars ?

In this video below Qua’mane “Young QC” Wilson mentions that his mother was murdered in an effort to show that he can relate to the murder of Haidiya Pendelton. However, this few seconds in which he speaks of his mother without emotion and refers to her as a “neighborhood woman” speaks volumes about his guilt. His rapid eye blinks are more consistent with nervousness than grief and pain. Losing a parent and being overcome with the loss and grief doesn’t usually warrant nervousness, and since he was quite comfortable in front of the camera this behavior isn’t normal. The camera was his friend, an ally and perhaps even his addiction. Feeding a need for attention and the limelight.

Meanwhile, one of his baby mama’s has expressed that there is more to this situation. There are allegations that Qaw’mane was molested as a child although it hasn’t been made clear who molested him. One thing that’s clear is that there was some tension in the relationship between Qaw’mane and his mother evident from her facebook posting referring to him as her “offspring” and then there is his impersonal tattoo dedicated to her. His tattoo says Yolanda Holmes. What happened to “Mama” ? Tattoos are usual much more personal this almost seems as though the tattoo is dedicated to someone he barely had a relationship with.

Quawmane dedication tattoo
Qaw’mane Wilson dedication tattoo to his mother Yolanda Holmes

While the tattoo Yolanda Holmes dedicated to her son Qaw’ mane Wilson seems a little bit too personal. Is this normal ? I’ve never seen this before. Do mothers normally tattoo their sons name on their hip/abdomen area ? This picture, these rumors and all of this has only left more questions to be answered. Something was causing strain in this relationship and someone knows exactly what was going on. Now is the time to speak.

If this tattoo were placed somewhere else like on her leg or her arm then It would have different implications.

What do you think ? Are these appropriate or normal tattoos for a mother and son ? Are there rules about what places are off limits for placing the names of family and platonic friends ?

Yolanda Holmes dedication tattoo to her son Quawmane Wilson
Yolanda Holmes dedication tattoo to her son Quawmane Wilson

With the entire City already convinced and not willing to explore other possibilities or look at other suspects what chance did he have ? His social media pages (twitterinstagram, facebook,) filled with would be evidence of greed and an appetite for a lavish lifestyle as a motive to kill.

It seems that Qaw’ mane has proved his own guilt. When I first saw the posting about this case I didn’t want to believe it, and that’s why I waited before posting anything. Now, after all the google searches, fan comments, family comments and the glimpse into his and his mothers life I think there is more to this story that needs to be told.

Qaw' mane Wilson
Qaw’mane Wilson flashy money for the camera

To simply say that he killed is mother for the money and that’s the end is the lazy way out. There is more to this then what’s put before us. What I know is that families cover for each other and protect each other which makes it even harder to find out what really happened and why. Accepting that he killed his mother may be the lesser of two evils. This may be a much easier pill for family, friends and loved ones to swallow but that doesn’t make it right. Whatever the truth is, it needs to be told. These two very influential people have touched the lives of many and I believe that once the wholes story is told they will touch the lives of many, many more.